October 29, 2010 UTC: Asteroid 2003 UV11 moves through Andromeda (motion is left to right) enroute to Pegasus. This is a series of 10 two-minute luminance exposures made from 01:36:50 UTC to 02:04:28 UTC (27 min, 38 sec), during which period the asteroid moved approximately 29 arc minutes (arcmin), a rate of motion slightly greater than one arcmin per minute of time. 2003 UV11 is an Apollo Near Earth Object (NEO). Place your cursor over the image to see selected stars identified along with their visual magnitudes (Mv). The faintest stars visible in the linear FITS images are fainter than Mv 18. Please see http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2003%20UV11;orb=1 for a JavaScript representation of 2003 UV11’s orbit.
Takahashi FSQ-106, SBIG STL-11000M, Astro-Physics 1200GTO. All-Mac Image.